Our roads take a beating. What can we do?
A Town Road Committee was formed to look into planning, funding, maintenance and improvements needed to sustain our more than forty miles of roads. The Committee will support the work of our road crew warriors who battle rain, wind, snow and toppled trees to make sure we can get where we need to go.
Meeting ID: 938 271 8880
One tap mobile +13017158592,,9382718880# US (Washington DC) +13052241968,,9382718880# US
Our plans include:
More information
Questions? Thoughts?
Committee Members
A Town Road Committee was formed to look into planning, funding, maintenance and improvements needed to sustain our more than forty miles of roads. The Committee will support the work of our road crew warriors who battle rain, wind, snow and toppled trees to make sure we can get where we need to go.
- We are a group of about fifteen town residents appointed by the Selectboard. Our members include people with backgrounds in transportation, construction, architecture, grant writing, project management and planning.
- Our meetings are open to everyone. We meet twice a month on the second and fourth Thursday from 5 to 6:30 at Town Hall and
Meeting ID: 938 271 8880
One tap mobile +13017158592,,9382718880# US (Washington DC) +13052241968,,9382718880# US
Our plans include:
- Learning from our road crew and road commissioner about what is needed.
- Surveying town residents about particular problems and what they want from our roads.
- Researching and applying for grant opportunities to pay for road improvements.
- Helping our road crew and Selectboard identify and plan for needed improvements.
- Sharing what we learn and do with Town residents.
More information
- Agendas, minutes and any materials are available here:
- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17OFV8r16rsCDryvJkFa6Z6DF9QjgTOOz?usp=sharing
Questions? Thoughts?
- Reach out to any Committee members or join one of our meetings
Committee Members
- Zara Vincent (zara.vincent [@] gmail.com)
- Ken Davis (gkendavis [@] gmail.com)
- Scott Gurley (scottgurley [@] rocketmail.com)
- Marianne Mullen (MarianneVT [@] gmail.com)
- Dexter Lefavour (lefavourvt [@] aol.com)
- John Rahill (JohnRahill914 [@] gmail.com)
- Steve Dennis (SJ.Dennis23 [@] gmail.com)
- Richard Cowles (richard.cowles70 [@] icloud.com)
- Sandy Levine (swampbear [@] gmail.com)
- Vic Dwire (V.L.dwire [@] middlesexvermont.org)
- Susan Warren (warrensusanj14 [@] gmail.com)
- Hilton Dier (hiltondier [@] gmail.com)
- Jessica Millard (sca66 [@] hotmail.com)
- Zach Smith (zachary.peter.smith [@] gmail.com)
- Paul Cerminara (paulcerminara [@] gmail.com)
- Matt Dwire (mdcrusher913 [@] gmail.com)
- Eric Metivier (eric.metivier [@] middlesexvermont.org)
- Steve Martin (sdmartin283 [@] gmail.com)